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Chewing-Tablet Project

Vincent Mitzev uses numerous everyday objects. He displays them as Readymades or transfers them to other artistic media like bronze, kinetic objects or installations. These objects of everyday use reflect his confrontation with the western consumer society. Some of his works are sociocritical and lead the recipient to surprising perceptions and understanding.
Mitzev alienates and changes the context of these fragments by collages and unusual combinations; the result is a commentary on the mechanisms of the production and consuming of art.
With curiosity, Vincent Mitzev takes up many topics of the western society, culture and art and processes them in a very personal, poignant way. The speed, at which new information is daily flooding the world, and the impossibility to absorb it at the same speed, gives rise to his amusing criticism: "Soon you will have to read a book or visit an art show as fast as you pop a pill" – on this idea the chewing-tablet project is based: the production of Placebo pills stamped with the names of famous, best-selling artists and with common titles of their works ("untitled", for example).
The tablets resemble normal Aspirin pills complete with directions for use which ironically list the effects, side-effects and counter-indications of the respective artist. The artist is reduced to a trademark and functions, applied orally, as a useless surrogate.
Olaf Metzel (Translation: Christine Wunnicke)

    KautablettenprojektChewing-Tablet Project

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